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The page you are looking for does not exist or has been moved to another location.

You can try to search for it through car parks’ main menu, or go back to the home page.




Identification as normal user
Enter your e-mail and password to log in
Have you forgotten your password?
We're getting there, please wait a little bit
Cannot log in
The user name or password that you have provided could not log in with any of our registered users.
Log in successful
Welcome, [usuario]
Identification as agency
Log in data
Missing an agency access? You can ask us about it through our e-mail info@parkingsantiago.com and we will come back to you very soon.
Have you forgotten your password?
Recover password
To recover your password, please enter your e-mail in the following field:
We're getting there, please wait a little bit
Recover password
If the e-mail address is registered in our system, it will receive a message in the inbox with instructions to recover the password.

If you don't receive our email in a reasonable time, you can try to fix your problem talking with us at info@parkingsantiago.com or through our contact form.